Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Lost Coast

Do you remember last year, how we found the lost coast? This year, Mommy and Daddy knew exactly where to go. 

Man, what a bumpy ride! Daddy and I zoomed up the hills, and we found a secret road. As we went down this secret road, there were cows everywhere! I think they were attack cows, because when they heard Daddy's motorcycle, they got up and started moooooving toward us. We got out of there quick! 

We continued riding up and down and all around, until we went down down down down and got to the beach!  When we got to the beach, Daddy showed me how to dig for clams.  These were super fast clams... I dug and dug, and never got a one!

Mommy, Daddy, and I played in the rocks for a long time.  I told Mommy and Daddy that I was getting hungry, so we headed back to the bikes to find food!  First, though, Mommy said we needed a family picture on the found coast.  (tee hee.)

On our way to the bikes, we found this carcass.  See? I told you they were attack cows!  We probably barely escaped with our lives!  This could have been us!

We got to the lost rose, and had a super scrumptious BLT.  While we were there, we made friends with this adorable guy, Storm.  He invited us to join his family for a show later.  I asked Mommy and Daddy, and they said yes!  Then he bit my nose and slobbered on me.  I skedaddled quick out of there.

We went to another beach, and got to play in the sand.... I am MUCH faster than Mommy and Daddy at running in the sand.  They tried to catch me, but couldn't!

When we got to the campground, Daddy decided it was time for a nap.  And then he used me as a pillow!  I giggled and wiggled until he decided I wasn't a very good pillow.  

I decided to hide from Mommy, but she found me quick.

So I found a super good hiding spot.  I stayed really still for a LONG time.  Mommy finally found me!  I thought she might think I was a naughty monkey for hiding so good, but she just laughed and said "let's go climb some trees."  Trees?  My favorite! Next to Motorcycles that is.

While we played in the trees, Mommy told me stories about when she was a little girl.  Her Mommy and Daddy always knew when they couldn't find her to look up in the trees, because Mommy loved climbing trees just as much as I do!  

This tree was by the river, and I stayed up there a long time. I was thinking about my Mommy and Daddy being little. It's hard to imagine that.  They are so good at taking care all the adult things like setting up tents and riding motorcycles and cooking that I can't imagine them playing hide and seek and climbing trees all day.

After dinner, we went to the show.  They had a story teller about a Monkey God!  They also sang a long of songs about dogs.  

Before bed, I climbed up on top of the tent to watch the sun go down and count all of the stars.  There was about 1000 times more stars in this town than at home.  I wanted to climb into the sky and put them in my pockets to take with me, they were so beautiful.  Late late at night, I climbed down into my tent hammock and fell asleep.

More adventures tomorrow!  I hear we are going somewhere called the Secret Cove!  How do Mommy and Daddy find out about all these lost and secret things? 

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