So, I've been keeping it a secret, but Mommy and Daddy are planning another trip.... It's to Utah, and they are going to take me! So, I'll give you the updates. This is the war room. This, as it turns out, is not as scary as it sounds. When Mommy set me down in the war room to take a picture, I was worried there would be bullets or bombs or grenades, but turns out, it's all maps. Maps for the best roads in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Washington. Roads that are twisty, windy, broken up, paved, dirt, and full of amazing views. This makes me very excited!
In order to prepare for the trip, Mommy has been practicing her riding bunches. Sometimes she takes me with her. I LOVE being a pillion! (I learned that this is what you call someone who rides on the back. Mommy says it's the long word for pill, which is what I can be when I disappear into the forest or other places we are adventuring to.)
On one of our rides, Mommy took me to an AMAZING resturaunt! The pancakes were as big as Mommy's head! I made friends with a very very quite man in the corner. I'm good at being quite... for a while...
I hopped down and took a selfie... Mommy said there were some strange animal happenings behind me.
Straight into the mouth of the cougar! Help! I'm going to be lunch for this beast!
Daddy had to come rescue me. I hid under his arm for the rest of the trip. I was not going to risk being eaten by a cougar.
A few days later, we got to meet an adventure traveler named Steph! You can read all about her, here: . She is an amazing adventure rider from Great Britain, riding her CRF 250L all around the world. She came to visit, and parked in our garage! She then made friends with Moto. She told us about making friends with dogs ALL over the world, and how she carries dog treats so she can make even more dog friends. She's also made friends with some monkeys along the way.
I got to go and listen to her presentation. I sat in the back with Mommy, and listened to the amazing tales of adventures. She talked about going to places like India where the streets are crowded, and taking a sail boat to Antarctica, and getting stuck on the reef, and having to rock the boat free. She sounds like someone who never gets scared! After the presentation, she let us take a picture with her.
This all got me to thinking, again, about what I want to be when I grow up. I was talking to my sister Lissy about this the other day. She told me her school was asking her what she wanted to be when she was still little! She talked about how the school often only presents the most traditional of jobs. I got to thinking that maybe the job you do doesn't matter so much as how you live your life. Some people are homebodies, and want to nest and cook and garden and grow things. Some people want to see the world. Some people want to raise a family. Some people want to travel. Some people need adventures. I know I'm the kind of monkey that needs to be having adventures. Right now, it's ok to be having adventures with Mommy and Daddy, but someday I want to go off and have adventures of my own! I know I'll have to work on my fears. And my shenanigans. Cuz if I'm alone, Daddy won't be there to rescue me from cougars! He laughs every time I say this. What's so funny about cougars? Mommy's laughing too, and no one is telling this little monkey. But, back to what I was saying, I know I can get braver. For now, I just can't wait to go to Utah with Mommy and Daddy! And getting to go along on practice rides in between is pretty fun too. And meeting adventure travelers is fun too. Some adventure travelers are famous... Maybe someday I can ALL THE THINGS!
Braap on!