Sunday morning we were up bright and early. It was warm and sunny and beautiful and we went to the store and had Popsicles for breakfast! Now you probably haven't seen a store like this one. There were shelves just like in our cupboards full of canned goods, and sweatshirts in the meat freezer, and not a lot else! It was very small; maybe like the size of a kitchen.
There was a sign on the door that said all dogs must be on leash. It was a silly sign; none of the town dogs that came by had leashes!
After this, we decided to go to Secret Cove. I didn't know what was there, and while we rode, I hoped we'd never get there! The roads were SOOOOOO curvy! Swish swish swish, I flew and flew while Daddy rode the curves. We even stopped to take pictures of the beautiful rolling hills. I was happy to get moving again, though, because it was hot in these mountains!
When we got to the top of the mountain, the air got cool and windy; we started down the hill with just as many curves, swish swish swish. When we got to the bottom, we were at a beach with a lighthouse! We got to meet a man in the lighthouse who told us all sorts of stories, and wanted to hear all about us.
We got to go inside, and even got to climb up the tiny stairs. I decided to scamper up the railing instead.
Upstairs we got to see a light that used to light up the skies for the sailors so they wouldn't crash into shore! And there was a lighthouse keeper who had to mind the light and make sure it didn't go out.
There was a little door with a porthole. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't open. Mommy said that that was the deck for Monkey's to sleep.
When Mommy wasn't looking, I climbed up that ladder, all the way to the top of the lighthouse. Mommy may think Monkey's have to sleep outside, but I know they would just climb up here. I jumped from pole to pole until she looked up and told me to come back down right now.
It was almost time to go, but not before meeting the old fisherman. I like to call him The Old Man and the Sea.
It was time to go, and so we set off to the Avenue of the Giants! I was a little scared, but I didn't tell Mommy and Daddy. When we got there, I found out that the Giants were Redwood Trees. *phew*. We rode through the most enormously tall trees, stopping for the picture. I was having so much fun, I didn't want to get off of Daddy's bike!
Now it was time to head to Oregon. We rode and road, until we got to a campground called the Secret Spot. Mommy and Daddy sure know how to pick campgrounds. We met a pug who made the funniest piggy noises, and a border collie and two retrievers. And they gave us strawberry shortcake while we sat around the fire! It was an amazing night.
The next morning was our last morning to wake up camping. We loaded the bikes for the last time. Then we rode up to Bandon and had fish and chips again, because they were so yummy! We spent the last day riding the country side. We saw horses and cows and lamas and alpacas and piggies and lots and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. I was tired from all of this excitement, so I napped a lot on Daddy's bike.
I can't wait until Mommy and Daddy take me on another adventure. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas on how I can get famous, I'm open for suggestions. I've got lots of spare time between these adventures! Ba-Bye!