When we got home, our puppy wasn't happy, so we took her to the vet. The vet said she's not going to live much longer.
When we got home, I sat and listened to her talk all about her life. I learned what it was like to be a dog.
I learned that as a puppy, Roxy was so cuddly. She was even black, even though our fur matches now! She used to whisper secrets in Casi's ear. She wouldn't tell me the secrets; those where between her and Casi.
She told me that kids carried her everywhere, and even put her in doll strollers and shopping carts. Sometimes they would dress her up. Sometimes her mommy would dress her up too.
She told me the story of her first time on a leash. She bucked and pulled and screamed! Wow, what a dog! But our mommy is stubborn and patient, and taught Roxy how to walk nicely on a leash.
Roxy told me she used to watch for open doors, because that would make the humans play chase! They would chase her until she got tired and hot, and then they would carry her home. She told me she loved this game.
Roxy says she has lived in five different houses! She has had two dog siblings and two cat siblings at these different houses. She says she's always been the boss.
Roxy told me about walks. How she likes to smell everything because it told her a story. My mommy took me on a walk later, and I stood at this fence post a long time, trying to learn it's story so I could go tell Roxy. My mommy didn't know what I was doing. And the fence post didn't tell me anything, I will need to learn more things from Roxy about this.
Roxy told me that cars are scary. I didn't want to tell her that I think they are fun.
Roxy told me that she got into an argument with a cat once, and it scratched her ear!
She told me to be extra nice to grandma and grandpa, because they bring treats when they visit.
Roxy told me to always be gentle with little children, even if they hurt or scare me. She told me about a little boy who pulled her fur. She just told mommy about it so mommy could help, but didn't say anything to the little boy. She said that children are special and magical, and they don't know if they are hurting us. Roxy is such a smart dog. She's learned a lot in her 11 years.
Roxy told me that I've got a good family that will love me always. She told me to be a good monkey and not make them chase me too much; she understands now that that game scared her family, because they didn't want to see her get hurt.
She told me the best way to get attention is to look cute. If that doesn't work, she said to poke people with my nose. And, as a last resort, sneeze. A lot. She said there are dogs that bark and howl, but they don't always get the good attention.
Roxy says she likes being right under peoples feet. She says sometimes they make funny noises and flail around, which scares her, because she's just trying to be close to them.
Roxy says that blankets are more comfortable if you fluff them with your head a few times. And cloth feels good if you walk through it. And if you turn around at least three times before laying down, you won't have nightmares.
Roxy is my special friend. I wish I had more time with her, but I sure am grateful for the time I have. I'm such a lucky monkey for knowing her. I'll let you know if she teaches me any more important things for monkeys to know!